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Mining Prospectus: Risk Management - Beyond compliance sustainability strategies - Video interview by Donald Gibson

Globalisation, the financial crisis, risk-management priorities and a greater awareness of the business benefits of beyond-compliance strategies are driving companies from a business-as-usual approach into the arms of proactive and sustainable thinking.

While current beyond-compliance strategies that focus on meeting international standards do not always make business sense, it is becoming increasingly difficult for companies to justify turning a blind eye to this new business imperative.

Africa, in particular, looks poised to benefit from this new business mind-set.

Recent research by Prof. Stuart L Hart at Cornell University in the United States shows that the financial and other payoffs of beyond-compliance sustainability activities – which he terms ‘higher-order’ activities – substantially outweigh traditional ‘lower-order’ strategies. 

Full article and Video by Donald Gibson in the July edition of Mining Prospectus

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