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Mine Closure: What is the real cost?

John Chapman, Danielle Kyan and Jeff Parshley (SRK North America)
Monday, March 21, 2016
First presented: 
Presented 21 May 2016
Project Evaluation

What do you really need to know about mine closure planning and costing?

This high level talk covers key aspects of mine closure planning and costing from both international and local perspectives (using specific examples from Queensland). It will address the importance of focusing on closure as part of corporate due diligence, and will also look at assessing risk and the impact of inadequate closure planning and costing for corporate and financial assurance.

Feature Author

John Chapman

John Chapman has more than 26 years of relevant experience and has developed multi-disciplinary skills relating to mining environmental impacts assessment and environmental controls.  He is a recognised expert in ARD assessment and prediction, mine waste characterisation and management, and mine closure with recent project experience in Australia, South East Asia, Canada, USA and Europe.  John has facilitated enterprise-wide risk assessment workshops, undertaken due diligence and environmental risk assessments for a wide range of mining projects.  Recent projects include detailed geochemical assessment of the tailings properties for the Olympic Dam Project in SA, design and development of the geochemical characterisation program for the Cannington Life Extension project in QLD as well as for the Yeelirrie Project in WA.

Principal Consultant (Geochemistry and Environment)
MSc (Chemical Engineering), P Eng (British Columbia), P.Eng (Yukon Territory)
SRK Brisbane
Danielle Kyan

Danielle Kyan has over 13 years’ experience working as a consultant to the mining industry.  She specialises in closure cost estimations (utilising closure cost modelling including the Standardized Reclamation Cost Estimate (SRCE) model), GIS compilation, data management and data interrogation across a range of commodities.  Danielle’s project management experience in closure cost estimation allows her to understand client requirements, address problems as they develop, and communicate effectively with clients to ensure the cost model aligns with the closure plan and client expectations. Danielle has experience in project management, closure planning, image processing, graphic design, research, data management and GIS, and is proficient in both MapInfo and ArcGIS platforms.

Senior Consultant (Environment)
BAppSc Hons (Geology), MAusIMM
SRK Brisbane
Jeff Parshley

Jeff Parshley has more than 30 years of project experience throughout North America, Latin America, Australia, Asia, Europe and Africa, which includes mine permitting, environmental audits, feasibility and due diligence studies, mine closure design and permitting, liability assessments, reclamation and closure cost estimating, pit lake studies, mine waste studies and environmental geology. He has considerable experience in the permitting and closure of gold heap leach operations in the western U.S. and has lectured in the U.S., Latin America, Europe, Australia and Africa on mine closure planning and design. He regularly heads multi-disciplinary teams on projects ranging from environmental liability assessments to permitting to mine closure. He is currently carrying out a number of mine permitting, remediation and environmental geochemistry projects, a large underground mine expansion and several permanent mine closures.

Corporate Consultant, Mine Closure
SRK Reno
SRK Kazakhstan