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Mine Closure and Reclamation in Mexico: Unearthing Hidden Savings with Continuous Planning and Innovative Strategies

Nicholas Cristi
Tuesday, January 29, 2019
First presented: 
Enlace Minero January 2019
Much international guidance has been written on mine closure. The interest in the topic has been recently trending upwards in Mexico and Latin America as evident by the number of workshops and participants attending. In this article we summarize some of the key facts and present some new insights on anticipating future disruptions and optimizing the mine for successful closure/reclamation with innovative strategies. These concepts have the potential to materialize into significant savings for the operation and at the same time maximize the beneficial post closure land uses available for the adjacent communities.

Feature Author

Nicholas Cristi
Nicholas is a bilingual engineer with over seven years of professional multidisciplinary experience in civil and mining engineering, working on a wide range of international projects. He is keenly familiar with the design and construction of stable, economical and legally compliant tailings facilities and leach pads, with a focus on practical operation and cost-effective closure solutions. As a registered Professional Engineer, he has extensive international experience in construction oversight as well as with the quality control and quality assurance testing of soil, concrete, and geomembrane. His field experience has included leading a diverse range of geotechnical and geochemical drilling/sampling investigations.
Tailings Specialist
SRK Tucson
SRK Kazakhstan