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SRK’s wide expertise now serving all economic sectors

Vis Reddy
Tuesday, January 1, 2019
First presented: 
SRK Consulting South Africa
Civil Engineering
Water Management

Beginning life in 1974 as geotechnical specialists, SRK Consulting focused largely on the mining sector in its early years; it was not long, however, before it expanded into civil engineering work – and established a sister company by 1981 to operate in this field. Since then, the expansion into other disciplines has continued apace, and SRK has become increasingly involved in focus areas such as water management, environmental and social impact, various aspects of infrastructure development, and energy.

According to SRK Consulting South Africa’s managing director Vis Reddy, its non-mining business has in recent years increased to 50-60% of SRK’s total workload, taking into account that mining has been in a slump for some time.

“Our growth in non-mining work is not just in percentage terms; it has grown in its revenue contribution to the business over the last ten years,” said Reddy. “We are today servicing local governments, parastatals, petro-chemical and industrial sectors. We expect that our mining services will increase to between 50-60% of our business when commodity prices increase following on the recent downturn in the mining industry.”


SRK Kazakhstan