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Erik Ketilson, J. Matthew Treinen
Mine Waste

ORANO undertook a tailings deposition review for the JEB Pit Tailings Management Facility (TMF) at the McClean Lake uranium mill in northern Saskatchewan.  After initial screening, two tailings deposition alternatives were advanced to the detailed review stage.  The first option included Read more... about The Investigation of an Alternative Tailings Deposition System for Uranium Tailings

Dave Luppnow
Mine Waste

Uranium tailings are differentiated from other types of tailings due to the radioactive nature of the material.
Radioactive tailings facilities pose long term hazards relating to both exposure and dam failure, with the
principal concern being the potential harm to both operator and Read more... about Management of Uranium Tailings

Daniel Guibal, Robert Bowell, Peter Gleeson

The Miriam case: A new type of uranium deposit within the Carboniferous sandstone -  hosted Uranium Mineralisation of the Arlit Agadez  province, Tim Mersoi Basin, Niger

The Miriam deposit was discovered at the 400 m-200 m grids while drilling  the interpreted redox halo which supported Read more... about The Miriam Case

Rob Bowell, A Barnes, J. Grogan, M. Dey

Palaeo-river channels containing calcrete are important potential hosts for economic uranium mineralization in many parts of southern Africa particularly Namibia. The main feature of these deposits are the dominance of the mineral Carnotite [K2(UO2)2(VO4)2.3(H2O)] as the main uranium host in Read more... about Geochemical controls on uranium precipitation

Dave Luppnow
Mine Waste
Uranium tailings are differentiated from other types of tailings due to the radioactive nature of the material. Radioactive tailings facilities pose long term hazards relating to both exposure and dam failure, with the principal concern being the potential harm to both
Henri Sanguinetti, Tiemogo Mahaman, Ibrahim Awouami, Daniel Guibal, Robert Bowell and Peter Gleeson

GoviEx is a private exploration and development company with 10 tenements totaling approximately 5,000 km² of exploration ground in Niger, the world’s sixth largest uranium producer. As of August 2012, GoviEx’s properties contained more than 121 million pounds of NI 43-101-compliant uranium Read more... about The Miriam case: A new type of uranium deposit within the Carboniferous sandstone-hosted Uranium Mineralisation of the Arlit Agadez province, Tim Mersoi Basin, Niger

Rob J.Bowell, A.Barnes, J.Grogan, Matthew Dey

Palaeo-river channels containing calcrete are important potential hosts for economic uranium mineralization in many parts of southern Africa particularly Namibia. The main feature of these deposits are the dominance of the mineral Carnotite [K2(UO2)2(VO4)2.3(H2O)] as the main uranium host in Read more... about Geochemical controls on uranium precipitation in calcrete palaeochannel deposits of Namibia

Cameron Hore and Dave Luppnow
Mine Waste

This paper presents the design of a unique in-pit tailings storage solution for the Langer Heinrich mine in Namibia owned by Paladin Energy Ltd. Read more... about In-pit Tailings Disposal at Langer Heinrich – Tailings Storage Facilities in a Unique Hydrogeological Setting

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