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Break Free from your Tool Inertia

Victor Muñoz Saavedra
Monday, June 26, 2017
First presented: 
International Mine Water Association Congress
Water Management

Innovation is the coveted fruit of all consultancies. Unfortunately, innovation most often exists within the world of academia, where theoretical concepts appear to supply simple solutions to complex problems. Meteorological data have increasingly complemented data from ground-based sources to the extent of real-time information. R statistical computing language, provide powerful data access, compilation, analysis, and graphing tools. In addition, the time required to perform typical hydrological analyses is significantly reduced by several orders of magnitude when compared to traditional methods. R can bridge the gap between academia and consultancies—marrying innovation with simplicity, affordability, and practical application—and help improve our understanding of the global environment.

Feature Author

Victor Muñoz Saavedra

Víctor Muñoz is a Hydrotechnical Engineer more than ten years of professional experience. Victor’s well-developed combination of academic pursuits and experience from consultancy companies includes a focus on: hydraulic structures; hydrology; and water balance problems in areas related with analysis, modelling, design, and construction.  Victor has participated extensively in multi-disciplinary projects groups at AMEC, and then at SRK; where he designed solutions for a broad spectrum of hydraulic requirements, as well as hydrology and water balances.

Hydrotechnical Engineer
PEng, MEng
SRK Cardiff
SRK Kazakhstan