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Europe: Blagodatnoye gold mine

A4   |   Letter

SRK News | Issue 60
SRK's 45th Anniversary

The Blagodatnoye gold mine is a large operation in central Russia operated by Polyus Gold. The deposit is characterised by strong bedding and structural features. Slope stability is further complicated by the presence of a stream and groundwater which creates high pore pressure in the rock mass and weakens some rock types.
Teams from SRK’s offices in Russia and Chile jointly collected geotechnical and hydrogeological data and prepared a series of geotechnical block, structural and hydrogeological models to determine suitable slope designs and water management strategies. SRK also evaluated the impact of blasting on the wall rock strength and then determined the risk of failure for each part of the pit, considering local variability of rock mass properties. We developed a series of slope and water control strategies based on the consequences and probability of failure estimation.
As a result of these studies, the client has been able to achieve more stable, optimised slopes.


SRK Kazakhstan