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North America: Robinson copper mine, Nevada

A4   |   Letter

SRK News | Issue 60
SRK's 45th Anniversary

SRK assisted with management of the new tailings storage facility (TSF) in 1996, and has provided a wide variety of engineering, permitting and closure services. From engineer-of-record through the 20-year life of the original cycloned-sand TSF design, to design/permitting and phased annual construction of a 60-foot vertical TSF expansion (with 4 miles of new compacted-alluvium perimeter embankments), to development/implementation of closure plans for leach pads/dumps/seeps, to design/construction of 5 evaporation cells, to pumping/piping designs, reclamation planning/costing, SRK has had two decades of challenging and rewarding work through four mine operators.


SRK Kazakhstan